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We want to spread our native tongue! Visit our website by clicking the logophile poster to learn about various words that are unfamiliar to you. Enjoy!

Our Website Introductory

Logophile means "word lover". Watch our video to learn more about where and when our team started.
My 3 Unfamiliar Filipino Words

tagalog: Panginain
english: Browser

definiton: is a computer program that is used to search for and examine information on the internet.


tagalog: duyog
english: eclipse

definiton: A situation in which the sun appears to be completely or partially covered by a dark circle due 
to the moon's position between the sun and earth.


tagalog: batalan
english: washroom

definition: it is a washing room are located in the backyard of a barrio house.


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           Make your mental health a priority. 
Here are five steps to bettering your mental health.
           Click        to see our Facebook post.

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